Plant-based, good and gourmet
A gourmet and plant-based alternative to dairy desserts, the young start-up Les Petites Pousses founded by Stéphanie offers a wide range of brews aimed at lactose intolerant people and all taste adventurers.
Le collectif des nouveaux gourmands
Les Petites Pousses called on CBA for the global overhaul of the positioning, identity, signature and tone of voice of the brand in order to continue to generate preference and to take the lead in a growing sector.
To do this, CBA imagined the concept of the Collectif des Nouveaux Gourmands. Gathered behind a common desire, the new gourmets are committed to eating better and continue to germinate great individual and collective initiatives in the service of society and the environment.

Sweetness, freshness and pep's
In order to move away from the classic codes of plant-based products, and to move towards something universal, open to all, CBA has developed a set of patterns specific to the brand, evoking sweetness, freshness, and the pep’s of its new tone of voice.
Word games have also been imagined, specific to each perfume, based on raw materials in order to bring accuracy and transparency to alternately good products. The logo has also been revamped for more consistency, more power and revaluation with its target.
Finally, the CBA teams have developed the brand’s identity on social networks, in order to bring together a community around this positioning.