
Love in every fruit






Alongside CBA Milan, Spreafico, one of the major Italian players in the fruit and vegetable sector, established a distinctive positioning with a new visual identity in a particularly fragmented and crowded fruit and vegetable market.

Spreafico is a leading company in the Italian fruit and vegetable industry, among the few capable of overseeing and managing the entire supply chain, from cultivation to distribution. The brand has been producing and distributing more than 300,000 tons of fruit every year for over 65 years, with production sites in Italy and abroad. However, in a category where 41% of consumers cannot name even one brand, the challenge for Spreafico is to be noticed and remembered. 

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Spreafico is a leading company in the Italian fruit and vegetable industry, among the few capable of overseeing and managing the entire supply chain, from cultivation to distribution. The brand has been producing and distributing more than 300,000 tons of fruit every year for over 65 years, with production sites in Italy and abroad. However, in a category where 41% of consumers cannot name even one brand, the challenge for Spreafico is to be noticed and remembered. 

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To respond to this challenge, our team in Milan immersed themselves in the world of Spreafico. The dawn spent at the fruit and vegetable market in Milan taught that in the main B2B touchpoint, brand visibility is minimal, while interviews with consumers at the supermarket shelf highlighted the primary need in the category: the necessity to be reassured about the quality and taste of the products, and to be guided in the choice of fruit. 

/ Creative Expression

Gesture of love towards people.

These insights, combined with Spreafico’s proprietary assets, were the starting point for defining the new positioning, which was founded on three key elements: the ability to govern the entire supply chain, the drive for innovation and experimentation, and above all, the dedication to guaranteeing the highest quality of fruit, seen as a gesture of love towards people. 

With the definition of the new positioning, CBA Design renewed the brand, simplifying the compositional elements of the icon, making it more iconic and easier to use on digital media and in contexts where the brand struggles to express itself. Our team in Milan designed the new logotype through a unique custom typeface to convey more warmth and closeness, abandoning the rigid structure of the past. Additionally, the brand architecture was simplified, amplifying the brand’s presence across all touchpoints. 

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/ Visual Identity

Love in every fruit.

Love in every fruit.

The new tagline “Amore in ogni frutto (Love in every fruit) embodies the dedication to the land and the careful selection aimed at obtaining the best possible fruit, thus encapsulating Spreafico’s love for its products and consumers. A passion that is a guarantee of the fruit’s quality itself. 

The new identity is fundamentally based on the concept of “guarantee.Spreafico conveys its commitment to supply chain control through the metaphor of the “certificate,” taking ownership of the element par excellence of its industry’s identity – the stamp – and using it as an asset to convey brand messages. 

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This visual metaphor is used to tell the story of Spreafico’s offering across different product categories. From exotic fruits to berries, covering single pillars like pineapple or bananas, to new products in the category increasingly demanded like avocado or mango. 

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The language is fresh and contemporary thanks to the use of an ecosystem of stamps with different colors and icons, but also warm and natural thanks to the texture inspired by fruit transport crates, allowing the brand to face new categories of consumers in search of brands that can communicate reliability, control, and quality, in a new and engaging way. 

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Spreafico guarantees the highest quality of fruit as a gesture of love towards both products and consumers.

Spreafico guarantees the highest quality of fruit as a gesture of love towards both products and consumers.

You too, seize the opportunity to make your brand shine.

You too, seize the opportunity to make your brand shine.


