Cook the difference
Maggi is one of Nestlé’s most well-known culinary brands across the world. In 2017, the brand asked CBA to develop a new global visual expression for Maggi, aimed at reintroducing the brand to Millenials with a fresh, ownable and global design proposition.
Marrying Global and Local
The main challenge was to suggest a global solution for the brand that was able to accommodate local market requirements, as the brand counts many local strongholds worldwide.

is Homemade
Based on Maggi’s brand purpose of “helping people cook the fresh food they love and believe in, everyday”, CBA developed a new design system following the pinboard logic, that turns the Maggi brandmark into a pin which binds the most important elements together, on and off pack
The “Reimaggine” designs were launched on a global level in 2018 and helped to create a strong ownable look for the brand worldwide.
CBA accompanied many markets, like Germany, Brazil, Panama, Vietnam, Malaysia, Romania, etc.

In 2019, CBA was asked to help develop further bespoke brand assets in close collaboration with the Food SBU for the brand’s evolution towards a simpler, more modern and authentic look & feel, like the flat brandmark and three bespoke typographies