1089 is a non-profit organisation that seeks to promote positive change in people’s lives, giving testimonies of ordinary women and men who are motivated by the simple desire to grow and improve themselves through culture and discussion.
1089’s aim is to offer reference models that demonstrate how extraordinary abilities are not necessary to decide the course of one’s life and achieve personal success by changing things that aren’t right.
The name recalls the extraordinary enterprise of 1089 ordinary men who followed Garibaldi and, using their sparse resources, managed to unite Italy, compelled by the pure desire to improve their undesirable circumstances.
Starting from this incredibly inspiring vision, we have teamed up with the founding members in a co-creation initiative to set out a brand manifesto:
The brand manifesto is followed by the design of its visual identity, which makes use of an energetic and explosive language, putting the organisation’s messages across with openness and personality.
This openness takes root in the shapes of the logotype. We have designed numbers whose classical forms have been reinterpreted with a modern stencil, containing within them a gap that leads beyond the surface.
The concept of openness, as it relates to the possibility of going beyond, is thus translated by the logotype into the brand’s identity, using windows and diagonal frames to create varying levels of forms and backgrounds.
Its chromatic identity is based on the dominant use of a very bright green, expressing an energy that fully manifests its strength on screens and in social network platforms.
The choice of one simple, linear style of graphics helps make the organisation’s messages appear welcoming and enable people to identify with it.
The 1089 organisation is in its first phase of development and will see the finalisation of its establishment in the course of 2019.