The Project

We have involved friends and colleagues, unearthed old albums, rummaged in old archives, given free rein to our imagination, and photographed and u0022stolenu0022 shots of others. We have collected any image, illustration, text, font or colour that reminds us of one or more of the six values.

We have selected the best images, 40 for each value, and we have printed them.
We have chosen to use a polaroid: we have made each photograph a unique piece, after it is personalised and numbered.

The result?
240 photographs, 240 unique pieces, 240 greeting cards.

CBA ReadingList Socialing

Nowadays, digital transformation and new media make real change in the markets and consumer relationships possible. Socialing was created with the main goal of proposing new and more responsible approaches toward consumers and markets to organisations and companies, placing people’s real needs at forefront and re-prioritising the human and social dimension in exchanges between economic subjects.economici.

Andrea Farinet is associate professor of Economy and Corporate Management at Liuc – Cattaneo University, where he teaches Relational Marketing and CRM and consumer psychology. He is founder and president of the Socialing Institute, a cultural association that performs research and training on socialing in agriculture, health, training, art and culture.

Digital Disruption, this unknown. Introduced for the first time by Professor Clayton Christensen in 1995 in the article u0022Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Waveu0022 the term has long been a topic of discussion. The term begins with a thought: why the big companies decide to invest in technologies that meet the expectations of current customers but do not consider the development of the market and the needs of future customers?

The Disruptive Technologies outweigh the needs of the present, with innovations that lead to review the product, the price, the business model to increase the audience and decrease the cost. This innovation provides for the sale of a cheaper product, in order to initially reach customers with less purchasing power, and then take over the industry.

The companies, including small and medium, who listen continually consumers, are able to anticipate emerging needs and can focus on technological innovations and market changes in a disruptive way.

The Innovator’s Dilemma
 is a series of case studies carefully chosen, starting with the disk-drive industry, which was the subject of the doctoral thesis of Christensen in 1992. Some listed here in the original article of the New Yorker.

It is not easy to find something thatrepresents us, which is both design focused, about Christmas, well-wishing,different from the previous year. And above all, that contains the whole spiritof CBA, with the difficult task of telling, looking to the future. This is why we decided to create something unique, that transmits the passion we put into every project, that was done with our hands and, as always, with our hearts.

Theresult of this project? It is on the road or at the destination. We would liketo tell you what was there before, behind the scenes, colored hands, goodcompetition among teams, the hair dryer, the matter. You’ll find them in thisvideo.

The Project

We had half a day’s time, some colors, different stencil with primary geometric elements, an area of felt and a theme specifically chosen together with c-r-u-d to project us in the the Christmas atmosphere: LIGHT.

A journey through the phenomena of reflection, refraction and diffraction, which gave life to the images to be played, two compositions for each group. By a regular pattern that represents the behavior of light during specular reflection, to a composition whose characteristics recall the deviation of the rays in the case of diffraction.

We relied at c-r-u-d + a place where, experts in the tailor-made approach. They studied a project for us which would allow us to do what we do every day, design, in a completely different way.

CBA manifesto 08 g O
CBA MWH–Xmas2014–gruppoG 02
CBA manifesto 07 g A
CBA manifesto 09 g B
CBA manifesto 10 g F

The article published in Il Sole 24 Ore on June 7.

The article published in People n.27, download the PDF

Three very special sandwiches will be the stars this week, created by Michelin-starred chef Aurora Mazzucchelli and on sale between 12:00 and 22:00 for the whole week.

CBA News Virgilio Gourmet Ape at the Fuorisalone Mini wheeler

Three genuine works of art and food design with names inspired by the titles of Virgil’s work, in homage to the Mantuan poet who also gave his name to the project’s sponsor Consorzio Latterie Virgilio, which in turn provided the very best ingredients for the three gourmet sandwiches:

1. vir bonus

Brittle of Grana Padano D.o.p. Virgilio, cream of egg yolk, pancetta, salt and pepper.

2. de vino et venere

Cream of Parmigiano Reggiano D.o.p. 24 months Virgilio, beetroot ketchup, radish, young red chard leaves, smoked salmon, Virgilio butter and pepper.

3. de ludo

Aubergine caviar, pesto of Parmigiano Reggiano D.o.p. 24 months Virgilio and basil, candied tomatoes and extra-virgin olive oil.

CBA News Virgilio Gourmet Ape at the Fuorisalone project overview

The initiative is also organised in collaboration with the Pratorosso brewery so you can accompany each sandwich with three craft beers, also on sale at the Virgilio Gourmet Ape.

Save the date and have a great Design Week!