In order to create the perception of a more friendly environment firstly the logo was retouched slightly, making it appear more gentle. The name of the district was then placed on the outdoor signage to enforce the impression of being closer to the customers. Hand drawn pictograms were inserted to further evidence the brand positioning, your faithful fix-it next door neighbour.
On entering the store the large red circular rings emphasise the service centres where the customer can find assistance, information, advice and product service. Designed to be instantly recognisable they communicate immediately the idea of being near to the customer and readily available.

The improvement to the retail design was also concentrated on improving drastically the user needs, adding clarification and simplicity to the various different departments which beforehand were confusing and complicated. The store navigation, along with the delineation of specific areas for different activities, was made more fluid and practical.

Bricocenter saw its first store opened in Turin in 1983 by the Rinascente Group. Today it is owned by the French company Adeo, leader in the DIY sector, and vaunts 73 stores nationally, with around 2200 employees and a turnover of €260 million.

The Bricocenter brand logo has an overlapping between the ‘CO’ and the word ‘center’. We started from this characteristic element and used it throughout the brand language as a recurring graphic element. A series of pictograms were created to accompany the communication and signs. The pictograms were hand-drawn to increase the feeling of spontaneity in the visual language. We have displayed the neighbourhood name on the front of the hop to reinforce the sense of belonging.

Bricocenter saw its first store opened in Turin in 1983 by the Rinascente Group. Today it is owned by the French company Adeo, leader in the DIY sector, and vaunts 73 stores nationally, with around 2200 employees and a turnover of €260 million.