Bye-Bye 2020. Hello 2021.

2020… What to say about this year?

One thing is certain, this year, marked by a global health crisis, followed by an economic crisis, will remain etched in our memories! And yet, as Albert Einstein said so well, “in the midst of every crisis lies a great opportunity”.

And yes, 2020 will not have stopped the world from turning, reinventing and innovating! Innovate for what? Simply to survive, to improve, to give more meaning to our actions. Governments, citizens, consumers and businesses have understood this well. Without change, there will be no after.

At CBA, our teams around the world have also been able to seize the opportunities that 2020 has brought:

  • new locations,
  • sustainable and committed initiatives,
  • methodologies capable of challenging and supporting virtuous brands towards greater meaning and utility,
  • more eco-responsible behavior,
  • etc.

In short, the creatives of CBA knew how to use design as an element of positive transformation – for the environment, for society, for brands and for the company as for employees.

The result ? A multitude of small positive actions summarized in a few figures!

2020 has also brought us all back down to earth to anchor ourselves in reality, to open our eyes to what really matters: people. Because without Human, there will be no after.

That’s why at the end of the year, CBA wanted to say THANK YOU.
Thank you to our customers who have continued to place their trust in us.
Thank you to our employees who continued to keep the machine running, innovating and challenging themselves a little more every day.

Simply thank you for not giving up so that we can finally say goodbye to such a chaotic year!

So on behalf of our 300 collaborators, thank you.
We are ready to make 2021 an exceptional year with you!

Bye-bye 2020. Hello 2021 !

