European Commission

Europe in my Region






CBA collaborated with the European Commission to crystallize the different activities and campaigns that lived around this project under one umbrella brand.
/ background

Raising brand awareness

The European Union is recognized as an important and unique economic and political alliance. However, despite Europeans’ strong support for global issues such as development and climate, among others, there is little public awareness of the EU’s action and impact in these areas.

The overriding task at the request of the European Commission was to crystallize the different activities and campaigns that lived around this project under one umbrella.  

/ true vision

Highlighting the benefits of regional policy through highly localized campaigns

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/ creative expression

A yellow frame as core element

A yellow frame allowing for focus on the regions’ population, monuments, and projects.
It shines light on what makes these regions proud and gives them the empowerment to celebrate their uniqueness. It always appears with the Europe in my region signature which symbolises regional affection and EU’s involvement in one simple symbol. 

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A campaign-specific toolkit

The toolkit allows for an extremely user-friendly approach, while maintaining the possibility of flexible deployment of the creative elements used in the campaign.


