The story of Colmar, which began in 1923 by Mario Colombo and his wife Irma with the production of hats, has always stood out for its entrepreneurial and sporting challenges. Supporting the greatest champions in the world of skiing, contributing to the successes of both individual athletes and the entire country, has played a fundamental role in shaping Colmar’s DNA, establishing an attitude towards excellence and innovation that drives the company to continually surpass its own limits.
In celebrating the centenary, we took on a new challenge by partnering with the Colmar team in building a visual identity capable of highlighting the indelible moments of Colmar’s history.
The starting point was the creation of a dedicated logo. The number 100 is transformed into a dynamic and narrative graphic element, encapsulating some of the most iconic images from the past and present. In the extended version, alongside the Colmar logo, which maintains the institutional color palette with the introduction of silver, we created the tagline “Embracing evolution since 1923.” This phrase reflects an attitude towards innovation supported by the sense of belonging of the staff and consumers.
The visual language extends to out-of-home campaigns, where the versatility of the new logo expresses its potential through compositions that change depending on the context and format.
Artwork by Mirko Loste
The logo, also adapted into a more abstract pattern, is applied to the uniforms of the national teams sponsored by Colmar for the World Cup, a demonstration of the unbreakable bond with the world of skiing.
During the events of 2023, the logo transformed into a traveling sculptural element, becoming the icon of celebrations.
Finally, to evoke the connection between Colmar and snow, we placed the sculpture in a snowball, inspired by the famous slogan “In case of snow, Colmar.”
Colmar, founded in Monza in 1923 by Irma and Mario Colombo, is an Italian clothing excellence. Over its hundred years of history, it has established itself as one of the leading companies in the world of skiing, contributing to Italy’s greatest sports successes, and in more recent history has become a lifestyle icon.