CBA IMG Digital Shelves Report 01

Offline retail plays a key role in defining the purchase experience of customers, especially in its initial phases: awareness, research and selection of the product. Today all this happens more and more often on digital platforms.

In this context, both brands and digital platforms must adapt their way of offering products, depending on the changed role of packaging and on the online language that can’t be the mere translation of what has always been done offline.

CBA IMG Digital Shelves Report 03

In the research conducted between Milano, Paris and San Francisco we studied the way in which users shop online and offline, finding then 5 Purchase Behaviors that customers act – both online and offline – depending on different attitudes and products.
Thanks to an ethnographical approach and trends analysis about FMCG market, we identified the key opportunities both for brand and retailers, imagining the future digital shelves.

CBA IMG Digital Shelves Report 02

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