Poretti’s principal problem was that the progression in number of hops used to create the beer was perceived by the public to be linked with quality, which is not the case. Extra hops in a beer does not necessarily mean more alcoholic strength or that they are more expensive to buy. Around 300 types of hops exist in nature, the more varieties in the blend mixture there are, the richer and more complex the flavour of the beer becomes. It’s just a question of taste.

The drivers necessary to proffer a solution to the brand identity were found in the company name. Poretti is not just a beer but a brewery, not identifiable by one single product but by many.
Evidencing the differences but highlighting their unison, that of being part of one large family, was achieved by firstly adding clarity to the labels, secondly augmenting its modernity and thirdly by the concept of look and feel. Differentiating each separate category of beer in a clear and appealing fashion benefited greatly also consumer needs.

The packaging design of the label and cluster pack were used to further enrich product information showcasing the brewery’s wide portfolio and the characteristics of each beer. Noted are the dominant hop and the number of hop varieties, the organoleptic profile and tips on matching the beers with different foods.

A very detailed project that extended to the retail design of the outlets and the bars recently opened by the company, where the characteristics of each product can be learnt and tastings undertaken to try the diverse qualities of the beers, enriching the customer knowledge and experience.

Birrificio Angelo Poretti, was founded in 1877 in the province of Varese after Mr. Poretti spent many years travelling around Europe in search of the best beer. Now part of the Carlsberg group since 2002. The 4th national producer with a turnover of €170 million, the company has recently shown record growth, increasing sales by 150%.