Once again this past year, CBA was rewarded with significant awards, all around the world. And this, couldn’t be possible without the work of our 300 collaborators, more passionated and hard-working than ever. Our teams have had the chance throughout the whole year, to work on fascinating, innovative and exciting projects. Projects that have been entrusted to us with confidence, by our clients. Therefore, it is always pleasing to see the collaborative projects that are dear to our hearts, be rewarded.
So, let’s take the opportunity to, once again, congratulate all our collaborators for their work and (re)take a look at the awards that have made our year !

The French Institute of Design has rewarded CBA Paris for its collaboration with the Pure Ocean Foundation for La Goutte Bleue. The committed and meaningful project was awarded the Janus du Design Civique label.
La Goutte Bleue is an initiative of the Pure Ocean Endowment Fund, committed to the protection of the ocean.
In order to support this movement, Pure Ocean, in collaboration with CBA Design, has imagined and developed La Goutte Bleue: a blue recyclable bag (a 100% bio-sourced bag that can contain up to 40L of waste found in nature), but above all a way to act, concretely for the preservation of the environment.
CBA B+G was awarded by the Grandes Cases da Embalagem 2021 for its work alongside the famous brand of toothpaste, Colgate for its line Natural Extracts.
Colgate Natural Extracts line challenge was to transform the daily oral care task into a thrilling and pleasant experience. The agency built the visual identity of Colgate Natural Extracts new line by combining the best of science with the naturalness of its formula ingredients. Another of the line’s novelties is that the new packaging helps nature: it is the first of the kind in Latin America to come in a recyclable tube. Everything in the project was designed to build together a future with more reasons to smile.

The jury, made up exclusively of advertisers, rewarded the agency at the TOP/COM Grands Prix Consumer in the Global Design category, for its work alongside the definitely useful brand, .nod.
This project was made possible thanks to Biofuture’s desire and strong commitment to put good sense back into our plates. CBA helped .nod move from the concept phase to the realization phase, from naming to communication strategy to the creation of the brand platform.
The agency wanted to highlight an innovative creative concept: common sense is to change. CBA has therefore developed a visual identity in line with this concept, “upside down” creations with an aesthetic that emphasizes taste.
Our teams at CBA Italy won the prize for best packaging of the year at the Italian Food Awards, for their work alongside the brand Bontà Divina.
The agency supported Bontà Divina by transforming it from a tactical brand for the sale of fresh desserts to a hedonistic guru inviting you to succumb to the simple everyday pleasures.
CBA developed a distinctive brand story that has enabled the marque to take possession of a territory that extends beyond the products, and involves consumers on the theme of pleasure. The brand is personified, becoming the “Divinity of indulgence”.

CBA has been awarded the prestigious Grands Prix Stratégies. Judged by a renowned jury, made up of creative people, directors and experts in marketing and communication, CBA was able to make the difference and stood out thanks to its work for Né d’une seule Ferme.
The Bronze award in the Global Brand Design category recognizes the project “la fabrique à deux pas”, the communication strategy of Né d’une seule ferme, conceived by the agency. CBA defined the brand platform and manifesto of the company and then designed its visual identity including its logotype and graphic territory. The branding work was then applied to the packaging in order to transcribe the brand’s message and its values onto its main communication tool.
CBA B+G was awarded with not only one but two prices, Bronze and Silver at the ABRE Associação Brasileira de Embalagem Award 2021, for its work alongside Colgate-Palmolive and Nestlé Purina.
Thoses awards were won in iconic categories, with cases for global customers, leaders in their segments: Bronze for natural Extracts, for Colgate-Palmolive, in the Cosmetics and Personal Care Category; and Silver in Packaging Redesign, for the work done for Nestlé Purina North America’s Proplan.

CBA Turkey received the GOLD Award in the Packaging Design Category at the İstanbul Marketing Awards, for Paşabahçe’s 100% Recycled Glass Collection, Aware. The design aimed to serve the sustainability pledge and, Paşabahçe and Şişecam’s Care for Next strategy.
Highly significant, this award celebrates the long term and trusted partnership between the agency and the brand.
The famous glassware compagny challenged CBA on different issues, in particularly with the development of their first 100% recycled glass and recycled packaging design for its Aware Collection.