We know that the fact that more and more people are buying on-line is changing dramatically the buying experience. The products that were once seen on shelfs, are now purchased on a screen. The virtual environment reduces the natural interaction offered by physical stores. The on-line version of the product must take this change into account, however, should not alter completely its real characteristics.
Therefore, we believe that balance is key. The information of the product’s benefits must be kept, while the communication method must be adapted. In other words, we should keep the purpose and change the execution.
To find the right balance in this new purchase journey, we have developed a methodology to boost packaging assets, so that its advantages can still be offered, even on the on-line environment. The packaging must be impressive and appealing, to result in a purchase decision. The ‘e-pack’ mindset can be adopted for any category, observing the brand’s stage of development. Shapes, shades, contrast colors and messages – all elements are rethought to call attention and make the new e-shopper’s life easier.
The new e-pack methodology was developed by our Strategy and Design teams, guided by an innovative view, and matching the needs imposed by the new reality, respecting people’s needs while preserving the positive brand and product experience.