Because Cora’s Chairman and Founder has always promoted local entrepreneurship, the Cora galaxy suffered from too much disparity and a blurred image both internally and for its customers:
- Lack of an identity charter
- Different brand platform for each country
- More than 200 Cora’s accounts (30% are inactive)

Because Cora’s Chairman and Founder has always promoted local entrepreneurship, the Cora galaxy suffered from too much disparity and a blurred image both internally and for its customers:
- Lack of an identity charter
- Different brand platform for each country
- More than 200 Cora’s accounts (30% are inactive)

Build a positioning and a common Cora utility in France, Benelux and Romania so that the 20,000 employees speak with a single, strong voice.

Build a positioning and a common Cora utility in France, Benelux and Romania so that the 20,000 employees speak with a single, strong voice.
Because Cora’s Chairman and Founder has always promoted local entrepreneurship, the Cora galaxy suffered from too much disparity and a blurred image both internally and for its customers:
- Lack of an identity charter
- Different brand platform for each country
- More than 200 Cora’s accounts (30% are inactive)

Build a positioning and a common Cora utility in France, Benelux and Romania so that the 20,000 employees speak with a single, strong voice.
Cora Tommorow
We built a tailor-made “Cora Tomorrow” program that allowed all 25,000 employees to work together for the first time – from brand strategy to the definition of daily actions to embody the new positioning.

We have created a project name as well as an ephemeral identity charter “Cora tomorrow » (Cora Demain).
We have created a project name as well as an ephemeral identity charter “Cora tomorrow » (Cora Demain).
The success of the approach was totally linked to the involvement of the 20,000 employees who make Cora what it is every day.
The creation of identified ambassadors in each store was a determining factor in explaining and supporting the entire collective consultation process.


The success of the approach was totally linked to the involvement of the 20,000 employees who make Cora what it is every day.
The creation of identified ambassadors in each store was a determining factor in explaining and supporting the entire collective consultation process.

To break down silos and open up communication, we applied the principle of exemplarity: we built and helped with communication at every stage of the project. The ambassadors were our privileged relays in each store.

To break down silos and open up communication, we applied the principle of exemplarity: we built and helped with communication at every stage of the project. The ambassadors were our privileged relays in each store.
By organizing regular workshops with the top managers in each country to validate the key steps and get their support, we have given them a taste for working together.
The 20,000 employees in the three countries celebrated the culmination of a year of collective work. We designed the reveal film as well as a simple and fun store twinning event.
By organizing regular workshops with the top managers in each country to validate the key steps and get their support, we have given them a taste for working together.
The 20,000 employees in the three countries celebrated the culmination of a year of collective work. We designed the reveal film as well as a simple and fun store twinning event.
Embodying in everyday life
We designed ownership workshops conducted in small groups in their stores.

Embodying in everyday life

We designed ownership workshops conducted in small groups in their stores.
Following a workshop with the top managers of each country, we have identified and prioritized the projects to bring the new Cora brand platform to life.


Following a workshop with the top managers of each country, we have identified and prioritized the projects to bring the new Cora brand platform to life.

- Un positionnement international incarné par une utilité et un combat fédérateur
- Une charte identitaire internationale
- Une communication interne fluidifiée
- Une marque employeur désirée et désirable
- Des collaborateurs engagés et heureux de venir travailler chez Cora
- Le second employeur préféré de la distribution alimentaire.

An international positioning embodied by a usefulness and a federative fight.
An international identity charter
Smoother internal communication
A desired & desirable employer brand
Employees who are committed and happy to work for Cora
The second preferred employer in the food retailing industry
In 6 months and during a global pandemic, we have succeeded in co-constructing a Cora positioning that is carried and embodied in the daily actions of more than 20,000 employees.
Critical Imprint.
Do you know what the Critical Imprint is? For CBA Design, tomorrow’s successful brands are those who place humans at the very core of their approach. Cora en est l’exemple. Critical Imprint is a unique, honest and flexible methodology to reconcile meaning and performance through design, revealing your purpose.