Fresh & Deli








A global packaging relaunch

For several years, the Fresh & Deli category at Delhaize was developed on the basis of product opportunities, rather than with a clear strategic vision. The result was an unclear segmentation and an eclectic mix of product strategies and designs that did not reflect current consumer trends. We collaborated with Delhaize to design the identity system of its Fresh & Deli products’ range. This resulted in a global packaging relaunch.

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Delhaize helps its consumers eat better everyday.


A clear and transversal brand architecture

In order to make this category the spearhead of Delhaize’s positioning, i.e. to help Belgians to consume better every day, we imagined a range with little marketing and a signature branding that put the products as heroes. The principle of a banner and transparency was imagined to represent the freshness of a product that is not very processed. The brand appears as the partner who has selected the best producers/suppliers, and the information bar makes it possible to group together information that is meaningful and useful for the consumer.

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Answering the key pillars:

  • Transparency as a gage of quality

  • A starred product with little marketing

  • Clear understanding of what needs the product answers

  • Clarify the offer to provide an intuitive journey to the consumers

  • Guaranteeing a segmentation of 2 range levels

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You too, seize the opportunity to enhance your branding!


