Alongside CBA Design, the Moteur! association reinvents itself for a liberated and amplified voice!
Moteur! What is it? Since 2017, Moteur! has been revealing the potential of young people based on the notion of gratitude. Through the implementation of an equal opportunity project, the association aims to trigger in young people aged 14 to 22 the desire to progress and gain confidence. How? By facilitating their encounters with inspiring role models, encouraging them to envision their future, but above all, by teaching them to say thank you in order to dare to trust.
The story of CBA Design and Moteur! didn’t start yesterday. Indeed, it all began in 2020 when the President of the association, Caroline Sénéclauze, met the President of CBA Design, Louis Collinet. A professional love at first sight was born, linked to the mission of the association echoing the values of the international design agency. This was followed by numerous brainstorming sessions, sponsorships, etc., leading to a general realization: what if the teams at CBA Design supported the Moteur! association to help it gain strength and make its mission resonate even louder and higher?! There was only one imperative: to be ready for the launch of the association’s legendary competition! Challenge accepted!
Thus, in 2023, the talents of CBA Design set to work: redefining the identity of Moteur! – strategy, brand platform, visual identity – as well as its social media expression strategy.
Daring gratitude to cultivate one's uniqueness.
Drawing on the analysis of the actions implemented by the Moteur! association since its inception and following numerous brainstorming sessions, CBA’s strategic and branding teams redefined Moteur!’s brand idea: Daring gratitude to cultivate one’s uniqueness.
From there emerged the creation of a brand platform built around this strong concept.
A Thank You that changes your life. A Thank You that connects us.

Gratitude and the ability to thank those who have inspired us are pillars of the association. That’s why the teams at CBA Design wanted to capitalize on these two notions by bringing to life Moteur!’s brand signature: Un Merci qui change ta vie. Un Merci qui nous relie.(in English; A thank you that changes your life – A thank you that connects us.)
Imagine a scratch card. Hidden beneath an opaque layer, a mysterious image awaits to be revealed. Just like this image, each of us possesses a unique potential, a buried treasure waiting to be unearthed. Recognizing this, our teams conceived a creative concept based on the idea that recognition and gratitude towards those who have helped us grow can help reveal our potential. In this context, scratching symbolizes the process of self-discovery and uncovering one’s hidden potential. At first, everything is hidden, and we’re unsure of what we’re capable of. But thanks to Moteur! and gratitude towards those who have assisted us, we can scratch the surface to discover our true potential and thereby grow. In essence, gratitude allows us to connect with ourselves and reveal our hidden talents.
All the work done on the association’s visual identity stems from this creative principle of “scratching”.


A path that liberates voices