CAT CHOW® Defense Plus: Protection for a better life






CBA B+G supports the Nestlé group in maintaining value coherence to strengthen the positioning of its Purina brand in the pet food market.
/ background

A consistent value proposition .

As a result of a long and strong partnership, CBA B+G was assigned by Nestlé® Purina to develop the new visual concept of CAT CHOW® Latin America. The traditional and recurrent studies held by Purina to understand its target showed that highlighting only the functional benefits of the company’s products was no longer enough. The main reason is that consumers have changed their habits, behaviors and the relationship they hold with their cats.

Thus, in order to improve the brand’s awareness through a differentiated positioning, Purina got inspired by the innovation studies it has conducted inside and outside the category and decided to use protection as a brand platform.


Different concepts around protection.

How can we show that, certified by the unquestionable nutritional quality of Purina products, CAT CHOW offers more protection, providing cats and their owners with a better life?

To answer this question, our team held a workshop with the Purina team and their communications agency in New York to develop different creative concepts about protection, presenting them later to consumers. In squad labs, we tested five different proposals until we reached the final concept, which conveys the key benefit of each variety and its nutritional characteristics.

To emphasize the benefits of quality nutrition we have designed a shield as a mandatory graphic element of the Defense Plus line. The icon, present in all varieties of the line, helps to communicate how each kind – formulated with natural probiotics with no artificial colors and flavors – was developed to surround cats with a healthy protective shield.

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/ packaging

Regional coverage.

Le packaging pour le Brésil, l’Argentine, la Colombie, le Mexique, le Pérou, l’Équateur et le Chili a impliqué diverses équipes, des voyages, des sessions de prise de vue photo et un vaste réseau régional.

Nous avons également élaboré des directives de marque pour appliquer de manière cohérente les éléments graphiques, car nous sommes le gardien de Purina CAT CHOW® en Amérique latine.

/ awards

CAT CHOW® Defense Plus won the Silver Medal at the ABRE Brazilian Packaging Award 2022 for excellence in quality, design, functionality, sustainability, and innovation!

Congratulations to our teams in Latin America!

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