
Doing good with goodness






CBA Design supports VALRHONA in the creation of its space in the heart of Paris: an immersive chocolate experience centered around passion, commitment, and excellence.


Since 1922, Valrhona has been a brand that partners with artisans of taste, envisioning the best of chocolate: sustainably.

It is a committed brand that unites all stakeholders in cocoa, chocolate, and gastronomy to drive change towards a fair and sustainable cocoa industry. Valrhona inspires creative and responsible gastronomy.

In 2023, the company has chosen the Marais neighborhood in Paris to open a new venue, adjacent to the Valrhona School. The Marais is known for birthing disruptive, daring, and innovative concepts. 

This space presents an opportunity for Valrhona to become part of the everyday lives of the general public, offering a menu of indulgent and creative beverages that showcase the craftsmanship and commitments of the company.

It is also a showcase for professional clients and a platform to highlight the creations of chefs from all across France.

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An immersive experience centered around passion, commitment, and excellence.

CBA Design has envisioned a unique space that combines boldness and refinement, creating an immersive and sensory connection. Through its architectural codes, experiences, paths, and rituals, the new address of the brand is a place of enchantment.

To make this place truly unique and memorable, an experiential space has been designed: each area attracts and intrigues, encouraging interaction, all within an atmosphere marked by the sensoriality of product presentations and the use of bio-sourced materials.

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From the façade, a deconstructed logo catches the eye, showcasing the natural materials used in the boutique. Inside, facing the entrance, the current collaboration is showcased, featuring a highlighted chef and their pastry creations.

In addition, an unprecedented chocolate library has been designed to introduce the public to the richness of Valrhona chocolate’s aromatic palette. Fourteen custom-made glass and stainless steel silos have been created specifically to preserve the quality of the chocolate. The cocoa beans will be protected from light by a micro-perforated grid, reminiscent of the baking sheets used in pastry kitchens.

At the heart of this sensory space, a tasting table allows visitors to sample different chocolate couvertures. Guests can enjoy a privileged tasting experience in the company of a Valrhona expert, helping them select their favorite chocolates.

Within the premises of 47 Rue des Archives, there is an unprecedented counter dedicated to cocoa mixology, offering a menu of indulgent and creative beverages that showcase the craftsmanship and commitments of Valrhona. The initial menu has been crafted by Victor Delpierre, World Barista and Mixology Champion.

A chocolate beverage counter provides a delightful “on the go” indulgence. A Valrhona expert will be on hand to offer their creations, whether cold or hot.

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With the goal of highlighting Valrhona’s CSR commitments (certified as a B Corp since 2020), CBA Design has created a hybrid space for exploration and tasting.

Eco-responsible materials have been carefully selected, including coated raw earth, flooring made from cocoa bean waste, mineralized wood wool slabs (fibralith), wood, and terrazzo.

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A place for gathering and sharing around chocolate.

Lastly, this new address serves as a true meeting and sharing space around chocolate, where professionals, whether visiting Paris or attending a training program at the adjacent Valrhona School, can:

  • (Re)discover the full range of Valrhona’s Grand Cru chocolates in the cocoa bean cellar, with the opportunity to taste numerous varieties.
  • Benefit from privileged exchange time with a Valrhona expert.
  • Showcase their creations for sale on the Chefs’ Stage, in limited editions.
  • Attend launches or events to be the first to discover Valrhona’s latest innovations (products and services).
  • Privatize the space to organize their own events.
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CBA Design supports Valrhona from conception to implementation.

For chocolate lovers, the boutique is located at 47 Rue des Archives, Paris 3rd, open from Wednesday to Saturday, 11am to 7pm. The appointment is set!


