Vigne Cappato

When wine becomes contemporary






An innovative and bold identity to position a start-up in a context of noble and long tradition.

Giovanni Cappato – architect, musician, farmer – is a young entrepreneur who chose Sardinia because he believes in the vocation of the land and the growth potential of Vermentino di Gallura. He came from outside, found the ideal plot of land, planted the vines and created the wines. His personality is unique in the market he is entering and is the ideal basis for the brand identity. 


For the company name we chose the same surname as the founder, a ‘foreigner’ in Sardinia. This choice mirrors the desire to express his own voice and strength.

The trademark is made up of the letters of the Cappato name in a geometric and essential typography, quoting some historical avant-garde artistic movements. It represents the design attitude and unconventional spirit of the founder. 

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The language is articulated in a few striking elements that express the creative process from which the winery’s wines are born: geometric shapes of typographic origin interact in seeming randomness with swirling images and vibrant colours, visually reproducing the idea of contamination.

The project involved the participation of the creative and food specialist Pasquale di Meglio in the design of the visual language and the Vermentino Ghjlà. The Ghjlà label – Vermentino di Gallura DOCG – is the company’s debut on the market. It is a strong and deliberately original manifesto compared to the traditional context in which it plays.

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In Nibe too we use typography to tell a graphic story: the letters ‘fall’ to the bottom of the label, meaning the floating lees upon which this wine ferments in the bottle.

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The visual language is applied to the website and marketing materials to create a consistent impact across all touch points, both physical and digital.

Work Design Vigne Cappato 10 Sottobicchieri

Vigne Cappato is a winery founded in 2015 in Gallura. With an extension of 7.5 hectares, it produces wines for the restaurant trade. Ghjlà and Nibe are the first labels to extend the varietal expression of Vermentino di Gallura.

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