What is the packaging of the future? A complex question, since packaging trends are constantly evolving! So it’s always worth analyzing and understanding them. With eco-responsible packaging, smart packaging, minimalist packaging and playful packaging, it’s hard to know where to turn! 

Let’s focus today on connected packaging. 

First of all, what is connected packaging?

Simply, its a more intelligent packaging, using technological levers to enable genuine interaction with consumers. Its a packaging in tune with the times, responding to a growing consumer demand for personalization and interactivity. Ultimately, packaging is one of the most important points of activation for any brand, since it bridges the gap between the real world and the digital one, offering a differentiating and memorable experience.  

First of all, what is connected packaging?

Simply, its a more intelligent packaging, using technological levers to enable genuine interaction with consumers. Its a packaging in tune with the times, responding to a growing consumer demand for personalization and interactivity. Ultimately, packaging is one of the most important points of activation for any brand, since it bridges the gap between the real world and the digital one, offering a differentiating and memorable experience.  

81% of these surveyed said they had used connected packaging (vs. 54% in 2022)

————– Appetite Creative, Second annual connected packaging survey 

Appetite Creative, specialized in B2B marketing, connected packaging and customer engagement experiences at scale, recently published in February of this year its second annual connected packaging survey. A study highlighting the growing popularity of connected packaging, both among companies and consumers. 81% of these surveyed said they had used connected packaging (vs. 54% in 2022) and 57% believe that connected packaging is increasingly important for communicating with and educating customers.  

Digital makes it possible to extend the functions of packaging. It becomes useful, practical and gives consumers a much more interesting experience.  

Connected packaging provides transparency and raise awareness on sustainability and recycling.  

Connected packaging provides transparency, for the consumer but also for the brand. Thanks to the connected packaging, who is connected to the supply chain management system, the brand can track the products journey. For the consumers, it allows to know more about the products origin and its quality. It’s in fact a huge factor of reassurance.  It’s interesting to see how powerful a connected packaging can be! 

Thanks to connected packaging, the consumer has easy access to product information, advice, or additional support services. Brands also uses connected packaging to raise awareness on sustainability and recycling. Sharpend, a company supporting global brands deliver connected excellence, accompanied and digitized Yeo Valley product portfolio with QR-enabled connected packaging. Sharpend thanks to QR code allows consumers to access to content such as information on the brand and the product and details on product recycling.  

Source: Sharpend

Source: gucci.com

In an aim for transparency and highlighting its expertise and craftsmanship, Gucci has also made the choice to implement an authenticity label through NFC technology. The label is placed on a portion of the brand’s items and provides access to the piece’s identity. 

In an aim for transparency and highlighting its expertise and craftsmanship, Gucci has also made the choice to implement an authenticity label through NFC technology. The label is placed on a portion of the brand’s items and provides access to the piece’s identity. 

Source: gucci.com

What about design?

If we think now of the design, the design of packaging keeps evolving! On one hand connected packaging allows brands to create original and imaginative consumers journey and on the other hand, it allows consumers to connect to creative experiences. Thanks to « embedded sensors », customer can be transported in an amazing augmented reality experience where the brand, through augmented reality, expresses its identity, its codes, and creates memorable experiences for customers with the goal of engaging and differentiating itself.   

The Australian wine brand, 19 crimes, is using augmented reality to bring its bottles to life. On Each bottle features a historical figure. Using the brand application, the character comes to life and consumers can find out more about him or her. The brand extends its brand universe to the very end, using augmented reality. 

Source : 19 Crimes website

If we think now of the design, the design of packaging keeps evolving! On one hand connected packaging allows brands to create original and imaginative consumers journey and on the other hand, it allows consumers to connect to creative experiences. Thanks to « embedded sensors », customer can be transported in an amazing augmented reality experience where the brand, through augmented reality, expresses its identity, its codes, and creates memorable experiences for customers with the goal of engaging and differentiating itself.   

Source : 19 Crimes website

The Australian wine brand, 19 crimes, is using augmented reality to bring its bottles to life. On Each bottle features a historical figure. Using the brand application, the character comes to life and consumers can find out more about him or her. The brand extends its brand universe to the very end, using augmented reality. 

A tool to collect data and consumer insights

Connected packaging is also an amazing tool to gather data and consumer insights. This data allows them to constantly and in a realtime, adapt their strategy with the goal of reaching their target audience. But how do they collect data? For example, thanks to a QR code on the pack, consumers can have access to special offers that encourage them to return to the store. This is a clever way to gather data and create engagement with the consumer. We obviously remember the iconic Coca Cola campaign « Share a Coke », imagined by Ogilvy. The brand commercialized bottles with over 150 of the most common names by country. A QR code on the bottles takes consumers to the Coca Cola website to win personalized cans or to give personalized virtual bottles to friends. A successful campaign that increased the Coca Cola group’s sales by 2% in the US. 

Source: Share A Coke, Ogilvy Sydney

A tool to collect data and consumer insights

Source: Share A Coke, Ogilvy Sydney

Connected packaging is also an amazing tool to gather data and consumer insights. This data allows them to constantly and in a realtime, adapt their strategy with the goal of reaching their target audience. But how do they collect data? For example, thanks to a QR code on the pack, consumers can have access to special offers that encourage them to return to the store. This is a clever way to gather data and create engagement with the consumer. We obviously remember the iconic Coca Cola campaign « Share a Coke », imagined by Ogilvy. The brand commercialized bottles with over 150 of the most common names by country. A QR code on the bottles takes consumers to the Coca Cola website to win personalized cans or to give personalized virtual bottles to friends. A successful campaign that increased the Coca Cola group’s sales by 2% in the US. 

88% of respondents plan to increase their spending in 2023. This percentage was of 59% in 2022

————– Appetite Creative, Second annual connected packaging survey 

More and more brands are investing in this marketing tool. According to the Appetite Creative study, 88% of respondents plan to increase their spending in 2023. This percentage was of 59% in 2022.  

Connected packaging is therefore an opportunity for brands to invest in an operational, strategic, and creative tool. It enables them to gather data, establish and adapt their marketing strategies in real time, and offer a superb creative experience to engage consumers.  


So, ready to create more connections? Let’s talk!


Did you know that 40 million tons of plastic are discharged into the environment every year?

Air pollution, the increasing presence of plastics in our oceans… Our human activities endanger numerous ecosystems and threaten our own existence. In a rapidly changing world where environmental issues are more crucial than ever before, design emerges as a key player in preserving our planet.

Beyond mere aesthetics, design provides an opportunity to rethink our patterns of consumption and production. Acting with design, yes, but how? Let’s explore.

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Eco-friendly packagings.

/ Or how to reduce our ecological footprint

According to Ipsos (2022), nearly 60% of French people plan to eliminate excessive packaging to fight climate change – a significant percentage that would encourage businesses to integrate more eco-design into their production methods. In the face of growing environmental impact, eco-friendly design plays a crucial role in waste reduction.

The use of recyclable materials enables eco-designed packaging to drastically reduce the amount of plastic used. It’s time for biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable packaging to take center stage, offering thoughtful alternatives to single-use items.


/ Unbottled, the brand that challenges single-use

Focus on Unbottled, the emerging made-in-France brand that defies single-use. Committed to nature-friendly cosmetics, the brand offers a variety of solid products for the face, body, hair, and zero-waste accessories, all designed with respect for nature and the ocean.

Not only is Unbottle dedicated to nature, but also to the skin! Beyond biodegradable packaging, their products are certified vegan, free from chemicals, and cruelty-free. Since its inception, Unbottled claims to have already saved 1 million plastic bottles. It’s proof that we can both smell good and do good for the planet!

Design as an awareness tool.

/ A visual language that conveys powerful messages

Design is also a powerful visual language that has the ability to capture attention and convey impactful messages in favor of the environment. From striking visuals to informative packaging, design enables the public to be aware of environmental issues and encourages more planet-friendly behaviors. Beyond aesthetics, design becomes a strong medium for communication and social mobilization.

/ The Blue Drop, the bag that saves the planet

According to the UN, 9 million tons of plastic are thrown into the ocean every year!

Pure Ocean, a French foundation committed to ocean research and conservation programs, is dedicated to preserving marine biodiversity. With a mission to raise awareness among consumer-activists about waste collection, the foundation sought the assistance of CBA Design for branding support for their new brand: La Goutte Bleue (The Blue Drop).

La Goutte Bleue is a bag made from recycled materials, designed for collecting waste on beaches, in cities, countryside, mountains… before it reaches the sea.

From creating the visual identity of the concept to designing the packaging, La Goutte Bleue was born to the delight of consumer-activists who want to make a positive impact in preserving natural resources. Vamos a la playa!

pure ocean scaled

Sustainable retail.

/ Creator of sensory AND responsible experiences

As a rapidly transforming sector, the retail industry has successfully adapted to growing ecological awareness by integrating environmentally friendly practices into all aspects of the retail process. From the products sold to the construction materials used, sustainable retail actively takes part in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives of brands that have embraced it.

cafe crus

Focus on Malongo, a pioneer in promoting fair trade coffee and tea, which enlisted the expertise of CBA to revitalize its image and boost sales through a retail concept. The brand’s sustainable approach is embodied in:

  • The use of locally sourced, eco-friendly materials.
  • Illumination fixtures designed by passionate young creators.
  • Simple and understated packaging that reflects the brand’s commitments, showcasing the ethical origin and characteristics of the products.

This innovative concept has been implemented internationally, in Europe and Asia. For Parisians, the boutique can be found at 50 Rue Saint-André des Arts. Get your Navigo passes ready!

Design and environment.

/ A necessary alliance to preserve our planet

Whether through eco-design, awareness, or circularity, we all understand it: design is a superhero for the planet. A true ally of the environment, it undeniably plays a major role in the transition towards a more sustainable way of life.

What about you? What are you doing to save our planet? ♻️

”Meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own ones.” United Nations about food sustainability. 

Food sustainability.

/ A major challenge of our time.

With sustainability becoming increasingly urgent in productive spheres, the agri-food industry stands at the forefront as one of the most concerned industries with this concept. Between fighting against waste and advocating for low ecological footprint consumption, sustainable food lies at the heart of tomorrow’s challenges.

But what role does design play in all of this? By combining creativity, functionality, and sustainability, design offers new perspectives to rethink our way of producing, distributing, and consuming food. It plays an essential role in creating innovative solutions that promote environmentally friendly and socially responsible food.

Whether it’s products, packaging, or food systems, let’s focus on the pillars of design that advocate for sustainability in food.

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Eco-friendly packaging.

/ More than a trend: a necessity.

According to Ipsos, nearly 60% of French people plan to eliminate excessive packaging to combat climate change – a raised fist that pushes companies to adopt eco-friendly packaging strategies.

In the face of growing environmental impact, eco-friendly design plays a crucial role in reducing food waste. The use of recyclable materials allows for eco-designed packaging to drastically reduce the amount of plastic used.

Make way for biodegradable, compostable, and recyclable packaging, which offer thoughtful alternatives to single-use items.

/ DADDY, the big switch to Kraft.


For nearly 15 years, DADDY has been collaborating with CBA Design to bring meaning back to the use of sugar by reinventing it in everyday life!

The agency has chosen a radical product innovation, kraft paper; a 100% recyclable packaging that significantly reduces its user’s environmental impact while remaining resistant to the most extreme conditions in pastry.

In concrete terms, this project reconciles meaning and utility for this historic brand.


Sustainability in our dishes.

/ A no-compromise standard.

Faced with pesticides, additives, and junk food, consumers no longer want to be carried along without knowing where they are headed. They need transparency; they more than ever need to know what they are eating.

Many designers are now reimagining the way food products are made. From the development of plant-based meat substitutes to the creation of healthy and nutritious snacks, food design emphasizes sustainable ingredients to meet the needs of the planet and health-conscious consumers.

In the face of the additives and ultra-processing industry, raw, local, and organic products are once again becoming a necessity – a return to the true sources of nature.

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/ .nod, the brand that turns the tide.

BIOFUTURE, a specialist in pesticide-free oils, has decided to change direction and advocate for a new standard: one that is good, with no compromise, for both us and our environment.

CBA Design supports them in creating their new brand, .nod, which exemplifies this fight by challenging what normality should be: eating in the right way.

Le design thinking.

/ Au service de systèmes alimentaires durables.

Design goes beyond individual products and also applies at the scale of food systems.

Creating shorter supply chains, optimizing logistics, reducing food waste… Design Thinking strategies answer numerous needs and promise a better future. In a world where 2.5 billion meals are wasted every year (Too Good to Go), an increasing number of innovative initiatives are emerging.

/ Too Good to Go, the no 1 app in food recovery

According to the government, 10 million tons of food are wasted every year in France.

The Too Good To Go app allows for a significant impact by rescuing unsold items and transforming them into anti-waste baskets at very advantageous prices.

A pure Design Thinking product, thanks to an interface that “connects merchants with unsold items on their hands and residents ready to pick up baskets that would have ended up in the trash.”


  • Saves thousands of meals
  • Promotes bulk shopping and reduces packaging
  • Contributes to the circular economy
  • Supports the transition to a socially responsible food system.
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Between creativity, functionnality and circularity.

/ When design reimagines the future of sustainable food.

Sustainable food is a complex challenge, but design offers remarkable opportunities to find innovative and creative solutions.

By encouraging collaboration between designers, brands, and consumers, let’s create a future where design and sustainable food go hand in hand to build a better world!

Let's talk little, let's talk well, let's talk design.

Tomorrow's successful brands are those which have a meaning.

What about you?

Are you a change-maker as well?

Let’s discuss it on our Critical Imprint podcast!

Today we are going to talk about design (no surprise there) but not any design. The design of the future. The one that moves the lines, the one that juggles inclusivity innovation, ecology, and customization. Not that easy to describe this concept as it constantly evolves, in regards to emerging trends in technology, lifestyle, sustainability and culture. However, together we will try to predict the future. 

Its difficult to predict exactly what the design of the future will look like. But, we can identify some current trends that could influence the design of the future. What will be the main pillars of the new consumers? What will be the emerging aspirations that brands will have to consider? Here’s a non-exhaustive list to help you see this more clearly. 

Today we are going to talk about design (no surprise there) but not any design. The design of the future. The one that moves the lines, the one that juggles inclusivity innovation, ecology, and customization. Not that easy to describe this concept as it constantly evolves, in regards to emerging trends in technology, lifestyle, sustainability and culture. However, together we will try to predict the future. 

Its difficult to predict exactly what the design of the future will look like. But, we can identify some current trends that could influence the design of the future. What will be the main pillars of the new consumers? What will be the emerging aspirations that brands will have to consider? Here’s a non-exhaustive list to help you see this more clearly. 

Let's start with (not the least) sustainability.

Designers are looking to create products that minimize environmental impact and are sustainable; like Cazoolo which is Braskem’s packaging design lab. It’s an innovative hub that hosts a creative community, where consumers, entrepreneurs, designers or startups can meet to rethink packaging from a more sustainable design approach, designing the entire process -from conception to post-consumption- with a view to circularity and reducing environmental impact. Indeed, the watchword will be -and already is- to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly with recyclable materials, environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and reusable products.  

Designers are looking to create products that minimize environmental impact and are sustainable; like Cazoolo which is Braskem’s packaging design lab. It’s an innovative hub that hosts a creative community, where consumers, entrepreneurs, designers or startups can meet to rethink packaging from a more sustainable design approach, designing the entire process -from conception to post-consumption- with a view to circularity and reducing environmental impact. Indeed, the watchword will be -and already is- to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly with recyclable materials, environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and reusable products.  

Added to this is the fact that new consumers are looking for authenticity and simplicity above all! This means products that are honest, transparent, with a clear history or origin. No more products that are industrially produced or have a very (too) complex list of ingredients. 

Added to this is the fact that new consumers are looking for authenticity and simplicity above all! This means products that are honest, transparent, with a clear history or origin. No more products that are industrially produced or have a very (too) complex list of ingredients. Some brands are already offering the experience of truth in fighting the absurdity of the food industry, like the brand, .nod. 

This development is partly linked to a growing awareness of the environmental and social impact of consumption. In the end, consumers are looking for brands that match their values and lifestyle, and that are in line with their worldview. 

Added to this is the fact that new consumers are looking for authenticity and simplicity above all! This means products that are honest, transparent, with a clear history or origin. No more products that are industrially produced or have a very (too) complex list of ingredients. Some brands are already offering the experience of truth in fighting the absurdity of the food industry, like the brand, .nod. 

This development is partly linked to a growing awareness of the environmental and social impact of consumption. In the end, consumers are looking for brands that match their values and lifestyle, and that are in line with their worldview. 

Let's continue our predictions with innovation and technology.

Let’s continue our predictions with innovation and technology. How can we miss this growing phenomenon that promises to bring many benefits to our society? Our media is being invaded by ChatGPT, AI, Metaverse and many others. These technological advances could transform the way we design our products, services and spaces. Virtual and augmented realities could enable immersive experiences in virtual environments, while 3D printing could allow for increased customization of products. This could greatly enhance the user experience by allowing consumers to interact with brands and the products they offer.  

These technological developments will also allow brands to offer consumers a personalized experience based on their preferences and needs.

One of the key pillars for companies will be to address the needs of ALL users by reaching out to audiences previously invisible to certain markets with more accessible and inclusive designs that will have to become the norm. Some brands have already understood this, such as Dove with its commitment to body positivity #NeverBeforeRetouch and its “Real Virtual Beauty” campaign, challenging the representation of women in video games to help make the virtual world a positive space for everyone. Inclusivity is no longer a niche market, its and will be part of our daily lives and values! 

One of the key pillars for companies will be to address the needs of ALL users by reaching out to audiences previously invisible to certain markets with more accessible and inclusive designs that will have to become the norm. Some brands have already understood this, such as Dove with its commitment to body positivity #NeverBeforeRetouch and its “Real Virtual Beauty” campaign, challenging the representation of women in video games to help make the virtual world a positive space for everyone. Inclusivity is no longer a niche market, its and will be part of our daily lives and values! 

To conclude, its important to note that design is a constantly evolving field and that these trends are only forecasts; the future is unpredictable. These trends can change rapidly depending on political, economic, social and technological events in the world. 

To stay informed of these developments: subscribe to the CBA Design’s newsletter! 

The metaverse today.

The metaverse is a virtual, immersive, and interactive space, and among the giants of the metaverse, we find the French company The Sandbox, the Argentinean company Decentraland, and the Canadian company Roblox. Despite this excitement for the metaverse by brands, we can see that a portion of the French population is not receptive to these immersive universes. According to an IFOP study published in early 2022, 41% of 18-49 year olds have heard of the metaverse, and 75% of French people have concerns about it.

However, more and more brands are rushing to use this tool, including luxury giants such as Gucci, Tiffany & Co, Balenciaga, and Guerlain. McKinsey Institute stated last June that 95% of business leaders expect a positive impact on their sector.

The metaverse today.

The metaverse is a virtual, immersive, and interactive space, and among the giants of the metaverse, we find the French company The Sandbox, the Argentinean company Decentraland, and the Canadian company Roblox. Despite this excitement for the metaverse by brands, we can see that a portion of the French population is not receptive to these immersive universes. According to an IFOP study published in early 2022, 41% of 18-49 year olds have heard of the metaverse, and 75% of French people have concerns about it.

However, more and more brands are rushing to use this tool, including luxury giants such as Gucci, Tiffany & Co, Balenciaga, and Guerlain. McKinsey Institute stated last June that 95% of business leaders expect a positive impact on their sector.

The Metaverse: A new territory for brands to conquer.

But why are these brands investing such large budgets in this new communication channel? Firstly, the metaverse is a universe primarily used by the Generation Z. These brands are trying to reach this audience through this channel, and design in the metaverse appears to be the preferred means of addressing this young generation. The metaverse is a fantastic tool for creation and design and allows for the expression of a brand’s identity and universe, the creation of a unique and differentiated experience, and the sparking of curiosity among many.


The metaverse represents a new territory for brands to conquer, where the possibilities are infinite. Between fashion shows in the metaverse, creating an online store, or an immersive exhibition, Printemps has recently entered the virtual world by creating its “virtual store“: users can discover Printemps with its architecture from a specific period and purchase items online. Printemps also offers an artistic experience, as users can explore the crypto art collection of painter Romain Froquet. Retail and branding are being reimagined and adapted to the virtual world.


Ralph Lauren has created its own game on the Roblox platform, titled “The Ralph Lauren Winter Escape“. This is an opportunity for the American fashion brand to showcase its collection of winter sportswear, which will only be available for purchase on the Roblox platform. Ralph Lauren is “gamifying” its customer experience and inviting users to discover its brand universe through a unique virtual experience.


Se Loger, a French real estate company, offers virtual tours of apartments and houses directly in the metaverse. This is a way for potential buyers to better visualize the property they are interested in. Buyers can visit the property using their mouse and chat with the real estate agent in real-time. The customer journey is completely revamped to provide a unique and entertaining buying experience. The metaverse appears here as a way to blend the best of both worlds: a virtual tour that allows for total immersion, which will ultimately lead to a real-world experience.

SeLoger DesignMetaverse Resize 1
Credits: Interruption

Tiffany & Co, the famous iconic jewelry brand, goes even further by selling 250 NFTs, the “NFTiff“, online on the metaverse. Buyers could purchase these NFTs and in exchange receive a custom-made pendant in gold and precious stones. Once again, the metaverse allows brands to innovate and offer a highly exclusive experience.

Credits: Twitter @TiffanyAndCo

Tiffany & Co, the famous iconic jewelry brand, goes even further by selling 250 NFTs, the “NFTiff“, online on the metaverse. Buyers could purchase these NFTs and in exchange receive a custom-made pendant in gold and precious stones. Once again, the metaverse allows brands to innovate and offer a highly exclusive experience.

Credits: Twitter @TiffanyAndCo

As these numerous examples illustrate, the metaverse is a way to express infinite creativity, reach and address a younger audience, but above all to rework the customer experience.

CBA commits to women’s rights month.

With the constant questioning of women’s rights around the world and still today, we are well aware that some of the rights are still sensitive and unstable. The group CBA means to fight against gender discrimination and sexism and do believe that design is an extraordinary tool to shape the world into a better place, both for women and men. 

Thus, CBA launched a campaign in March highlighting the women and men who fight gender inequality on a daily basis and the role of design in the inclusion of women. 

We have sought to analyse the theme of women’s rights from all angles, in order to enlighten and raise public awareness. 


CBA Paris launched an interview campaign highlighting employees and their experiences as women or men in the world of work and their perceptions of gender inequality. Here are a few questions they answered:

  • When did you feel held back by your status as a woman in your professional life? 
  • Do you see a difference between the working wold of yesterday and today? 
  • What is the most effective way to achieve equality? 
  • A cultural reference that marked you regarding women? 

Margaux Lhermitte, Head of Retail & Architecture

Anthony Charton, Art Director

Léa Richard, Project Manager Assistant

Laurence Bethines, Brand Strategist 

Nathalie Aupetit, Senior Artistic Director 


Wow! A woman part of the board!

Wow! A woman part of the board!

Wow! A woman part of the board!

Barbara Duavy, Managing Partners & Head of Culture CBA B+G, looks back on her experience as a woman in the professional world and especially as a board member. A touching, transparent and necessary testimony still today!

An interesting look at her childhood, her schooling and the objectives of CBA B+G in terms of people, culture, diversity and ESG, in the long run.  

Thank you Barbara for your testimony!


In this special month, we decided to focus on the theme of inclusive design. More and more brands adopt inclusive design to celebrate accessibility! In order to respond to issues that are still major today as fight against gender discrimination and sexism, celebrate a more intuitive and accessible design and adopt equity thanks to inclusives identities. 


In this special month, we decided to focus on the theme of inclusive design. More and more brands adopt inclusive design to celebrate accessibility! In order to respond to issues that are still major today as fight against gender discrimination and sexism, celebrate a more intuitive and accessible design and adopt equity thanks to inclusives identities. 


In this special month, we decided to focus on the theme of inclusive design. More and more brands adopt inclusive design to celebrate accessibility! In order to respond to issues that are still major today as fight against gender discrimination and sexism, celebrate a more intuitive and accessible design and adopt equity thanks to inclusives identities. 

Carmen Beer, content manager at CBA B+G,  highlights the ‘All Bodies are Normal’ trend from our recent Design Trends Report, which has everything to do with empowered women. 

Embracing and celebrating the natural shapes and cycles of all bodies is the core of many new brands, designing products & services that speak directly to a target group previously forgotten. 

Subjects as the well-being, mental health and acceptation are much more taking into account by brands. Authenticity and transparency is key! 


Sandra Garcia, our Managing Director at CBA Spain, took part at the BCREATIVE session of the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week with the key theme « Impact creativity led by women ».

A keynote about the power of design applied to business strategies to achieve responsible and sustainable growth. 

A scene shared with Sisón Pujol, founder and CEO at Nonon Design agency, Ana Fornt, CEO at Group Efebé and Arantxa Bernadí, CEO at Bernadí. 


Sandra Garcia, our Managing Director at CBA Spain, took part at the BCREATIVE session of the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week with the key theme « Impact creativity led by women ».

A keynote about the power of design applied to business strategies to achieve responsible and sustainable growth. 

A scene shared with Sisón Pujol, founder and CEO at Nonon Design agency, Ana Fornt, CEO at Group Efebé and Arantxa Bernadí, CEO at Bernadí. 


Sandra Garcia, our Managing Director at CBA Spain, took part at the BCREATIVE session of the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week with the key theme « Impact creativity led by women ».

A keynote about the power of design applied to business strategies to achieve responsible and sustainable growth. 

A scene shared with Sisón Pujol, founder and CEO at Nonon Design agency, Ana Fornt, CEO at Group Efebé and Arantxa Bernadí, CEO at Bernadí. 


This year in 2023, the International Women’s Rights Day aimed to raise awareness for difficulties women face to access digital jobs all around the world. The hashtag #EmbraceEquity, heavily used on social media this month, takes a stand for equity above all else, especially in our digital era. Stick with us to learn more.


/ Women, major absentees from the digital field

According to the Social Builder charity, 73% of digital professionals are men. To denounce the under-representation of women in this field, Social Builder diverts the situation by prohibiting job offers to women, masked by a “gendered content” warning.

A shock awareness campaign for women’s rights. Check it here.

To encourage accessibility, two key themes have been chosen this year:

  • DigitALL” to innovate for gender equality;
  • “Embrace Equity”

The two cannot go without each other because: without equity, we cannot achieve equality.

Regardless of the industry, companies are the first on the line who must “put technology for a safer, more sustainable and fairer future”(UN WOMEN).

More and more brands today incorporate the concept of inclusivity into their products’ design or their communications strategy to celebrate accessibility.

Does it really contribute to female integration, or it is only an illusory image of an employer brand promise?

illus women empowerment Plan de travail 1 01


/ Let's adopt an inclusive, accessible and gender-neutral design

Just like the tech sector, design too must raise awareness by adopting strategies for female inclusion.

Through inclusive design, brands today strive to celebrate diversity and empowerment of minorities. Normalizing bodies, de-gendering products or celebrating multiculturalism are part of multiple inclusivity strategies to enable accessibility.

To be consistent with the values ​​of our 3.0 era, brands today are encouraged to:

  • Fight against gender discrimination and sexism
  • Celebrate intuitive and more accessible design
  • Embrace equity through inclusive identities


Design is a powerful tool to strengthen the empowerment of women. How? By creating products and services that meet their needs and allow them to better understand their environment; that is a real power tool. Whether it is the product itself, its packaging, or the communications strategy, brands are invited to give women greater self-confidence.

By involving women in the process of designing products and services that affect them, brands give them a sense of active participation and responsibility. Surveys, interviews or focus groups allow brands to understand the state of mind of consumers and their needs, whether it’s physiological (body), psychological (self-esteem) or social (belonging).

CBA LATAM – our studio in Latin America – was able to support KIMBERLY-CLARK, the American leader in sanitary protection, in the design of an application aimed at having several consumers test sanitary pad formats.

Consumers were invited to take a photo of their underwear to allow artificial intelligence to innovate the adaptability of the pad’s shape.

Thanks to various consumer tests, the brand was finally able to co-create the ideal product with its community. Discover the case here.

60% of girls start playing video games before the age of 10.

60% of girls start playing video games before the age of 10.

60% of girls start playing video games before the age of 10.

The representation of different identities on digital platforms also allows communities to be better highlighted, whether they’re a minority or not.

DOVE, in its “Real Virtual Beauty” campaign (2022), has made it a mission to “challenge the representation of women in video games in order to help make the virtual world a positive space for them”.

60% of girls start playing video games before the age of 10.

The representation of different identities on digital platforms also allows communities to be better highlighted, whether they’re a minority or not.

DOVE, in its “Real Virtual Beauty” campaign (2022), has made it a mission to “challenge the representation of women in video games in order to help make the virtual world a positive space for them”.

With avatars becoming ever-present in the gaming industry, it is a must today to design more inclusive digital spaces by highlighting multiple identities.

A study conducted by DOVE found that 60% of girls start playing video games before the age of 10. On the other hand, female characters in digital spaces are known to be highly sexualized with considerably stereotyped beauty criteria such as: unrealistic body dimensions, or sexualization through clothing, and so on.

Thus, as part of its “Real Beauty in Games” training program, DOVE aims to give video game developers proper education to “create a healthier and more diverse representation of girls and women in video games around the world”.


  • Creation of diverse characters
  • More inclusive avatar design
  • Normalization of body diversity

/ ACCESSIBILITY, or when design allows access to information.

In addition to inclusiveness, design also contributes to strengthen empowerment by creating products and services accessible to all women, regardless of their disability, education level or social background. By using intuitive interfaces, design allows women to better understand their environment by considering issues of accessing information.

ORKID, the leader in sanitary protection in Turkey, launched a bold awareness campaign in 2019 against femicide and the social taboos associated with menstruation.

This is the statement of the brand: “In Turkey, sanitary pads are wrapped in newspapers at the time of purchase because of the shame associated with periods. In a society where violence, discrimination and injustice against women fill the newspapers, it is not selling sanitary pads that should be shameful”.

ORKID, the leader in sanitary protection in Turkey, launched a bold awareness campaign in 2019 against femicide and the social taboos associated with menstruation.

This is the statement of the brand: “In Turkey, sanitary pads are wrapped in newspapers at the time of purchase because of the shame associated with periods. In a society where violence, discrimination and injustice against women fill the newspapers, it is not selling sanitary pads that should be shameful”.

Turkey is at number 130 in gender equality.

ORKID used a unique packaging idea by wrapping pad packs in printed newspapers with headlines referring to the main difficulties faced by Turkish women:

low employability and political representation, violence of gender and an insufficient literacy rate“.

This new packaging has met unprecedented success in sales while tearing public opinion apart.

ORKID used a unique packaging idea by wrapping pad packs in printed newspapers with headlines referring to the main difficulties faced by Turkish women:

low employability and political representation, violence of gender and an insufficient literacy rate“.

This new packaging has met unprecedented success in sales while tearing public opinion apart.


In conclusion, design in our era is intended to be a transformative power tool allowing women to speak out, celebrate their inclusion and strengthen their autonomy. Consumers ask brands to design their products considering gender equality issues and the diversity of their needs.

On the other hand, is neutrality now considered old-school in the tone of voice of a brand? Has taking a position become essential in product design or brand communication strategies? To meditate…

Want to go further?

Download our Design Trends Report and follow our hottest empowerment design tips!

Check our Women’s Rights Month interviews with our collaborators in our Paris agency. Let’s meet in the comments section!

Written March 27th 2023 by Dilara Cetiner


Wow! A woman part of the board!

Wow! A woman part of the board!

Wow! A woman part of the board!

Since the integration of Oni into CBA Design, I have received many congratulations, and they are usually accompanied by a « Wow, a woman part of the board! ». It took me a while to understand that being part of a minority group brings responsibility. When we manage to break some bubble, we are few and part of a small group, and our mere presence in that place is capable of reverberating and making new dreams possible. This is the power of representation. Bloomberg’s Gender Equality Index 2023 shows that companies that have more female board members have many more female executives across the company. I am happy to be part of that movement. 

The consolidation of a People & Culture area in CBA B+G strengthens the objective of consolidating ourselves not only as a reference company in design, but also within our organizational environment, fostering talents and careers, promoting a healthy environment that adapts and evolves over time. It also means taking responsibility in building the desired world. Our ESG goals will drive us in transformation, steadfast in the quest to generate positive impact inside and outside the organization. 

This movement of corporations to take a leading role in affirmative actions that accelerate latent transformations in society is essential and urgent. As a woman in leadership who seeks to promote this reality as much as possible, I always ask myself: what made me get this far and be one of the few? 

I will not fall for the fallacy of meritocracy, if it exists, it is only after the opportuny(s) … and I realize that I am here because my parents not only put my development as a top priority, but never tried to erase my natural talents or tried to put me in a little box of what a girl should do, study or how to behave

The most classic story of my childhood, and one that my parents love to tell, is when I made my first petition, at the age of 6. At school, we were informed that our teacher was « leaving ». I, with my capitular letters still crooked, made a document requesting that the teacher stay and made my little classmates sign it. My parents were called to the school. The headmistress wanted to give a kind of warning and scolded my parents, saying that they should teach me « not to question and to follow the hierarchy ». They could have agreed, fought with me, grounded me. But they defended me and suggested that the school should question when they disagree with something, and not the other way around. 

I believe this may seem like a one-off case, but it was one of those cases that directs an entire life. My leadership could have been eliminated little by little, from that moment on, if I hadn’t had the support to continue. To have more women in leadership positions, we also need society to show them, from a young age, that this is a possible path. Show them that when their dreams and actions are valued, in adult life they will have more confidence in following their path.  

Barbara Duavy, Managing Partners & Head of Culture CBA B+G

/ Let’s start with the beginning!

What is human design?

Human design is a “tool that allows you to understand your energy mechanics, and the mechanics in interaction with your environment”. It allows a better understanding of oneself, of one’s strengths and weaknesses, and a better understanding of the other. It allows ultimately to understand it’s functioning and to work on oneself in order to act better, progress and accomplish oneself.  

The human design describes 4 profiles:  

  • The Generator: the generator is an active person who has a deep desire to enjoy his daily life.  
  • The Projector: he seeks to accompany the people around him. He guides and advices and has a need of recognition.  
  • The Manifestor: the leadership is his thing. The manifestor is a go-better with a head full of ideas and goals that they want to accomplish as quickly as possible.  
  • The Reflector: he is emphatic and sensitive. Usually introvert, he has « a need to take time to take important decisions for him ».  

All of these typologies are complementary. They create an exceptional collective intelligence which allows new concepts to germinate, new markets to be reached, innovation to be fostered.

This collective intelligence is the winning key to value creation. 


Collective intelligence at the service of value creation


Let’s take the exemple of the brand Cora. In 2020, Cora wanted to mobilize all of its employees in the definition of the brand strategy and make them the first ambassadors of change. CBA accompanied the brand in this shift by building a tailor-made support « Cora demain » allowing for the first time more than 25,000 employees to work together. Debates and surveys were conducted among employees and workshops were organized to define the new fundamentals and identify the work to be done.   

The results? A coherent corporate vision understood by all employees, a smoother internal communication as a result of engaged and happy employees. Cora is today the second favorite employer in food distribution.  

/ And the place of digital in all this?

The Human Design and collective intelligence in the digital era

The digital is an integral part of our daily lives et new digital levers are emerging, among them the metaverse or AI. Despite a certain reluctance from a part of the general public, we can point out the complementarity between these digital tools and the human intelligence, that allows you to go further, faster 

The artificial intelligence allows an optimisation of process, a precise analysis of data in order to reduce the working hours and an important reduction of human mistakes. In the framework of client experience, the IA allows a tailor-made personalization thanks to the data collected to make the experience more attractive, targeted and engaging. 

But how not to go too far in the practices? 

Don’t these tools dehumanize relationships? Something to think about…

But what is business design? 

Business design is an operational style that combines business, strategic, and analytical approaches with the practices and mental model of design. It helps structure how each element of a business model affects the experience of customers and users. 

In other words…

it is a method for generating business value through the lenses of business thinking – focusing on business’ layers – and design thinking – focusing on people.

The discipline works at the intersection of feasibility, viability, and desirability to create innovation, helping companies and organizations move from point A to point B through a designed business model, or business model created based on the design approach.

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Why is business design so important? 

In the BANI (“B:rittle, A:nxious, N:on-linear and I:ncomprehensible”) world we live in, business design can be extremely valuable to a company.  The growth of startups, rapidly shifting markets, and ever-evolving technological possibilities require the creation of innovative business models and the reassessment of conventional ones. Business design, among other things, provides the tools and methods to develop and test business models with a truly human-centered value proposition. But the discipline addresses many other issues. Here are some of its applications:  

  • Design new services and revenue streams, 
  • Respond to growth challenges, 
  • Optimize costs and improve profitability, 
  • Design organizational structures, 
  • Reposition brands, 
  • Design the products value proposition, 
  • Reorganize existing models and discover new opportunities.  

It is a strategy that can help brands and businesses overcome a variety of problems, but how does this relate to the design approach? How does a business designer act in the design process?  

Understanding the role of a business designer  

The three primary functions of a business designer during a design process are: 

1. Use a business perspective to guide or inform the design process in order to make sure that the final product effectively addresses business issues. 

2. Translate design solutions into value and impact using a language that business stakeholders are familiar with in order to prove that design provides solutions to business problems. 

3. Use human-centered methodologies to strengthen the commercial and financial aspects of design work to produce services and products that are viable. 

Learning the main characteristics of business design 

To understand what is meant by business design and the mindset of business designers, it is essential to keep in mind four major pillars: multidisciplinary approach, abductive reasoning, customer focus, and prototyping.   

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– Multidisciplinary approach 

Design thinking emphasizes the value of assembling a diverse team, including the different stakeholders and users of the company’s product or service, to avoid having one viewpoint dominate the outcome. This combination enables us to examine the issue from various angles and ask the pertinent questions, such as: Is it desirable? Can we really do that? Does this make sense for my business? 

– Abductive reasoning 

Abductive reasoning derives from design thinking. Most business school programs teach deductive reasoning – from rules to conclusions – and inductive reasoning – from examples to rules. In clearly defined contexts, both deductive and inductive reasoning perform well. Working with businesses, however, frequently entails having access to insufficient information in a highly complex system. The concept of wicked problems, a term coined by Herbert Simon – a scientist and the inventor of design thinking, explains it: the more complex and multidimensional the problems, the more they demand a collaborative methodology and a deep understanding of human needs. Therefore, abductive thinking, a combination of inductive and deductive reasoning, is actually more suitable for such situations.  

– Focus on the user

Business design uses user-centered and empathic design approaches. The starting point of any challenge is people. Every strategy is built based on a deep understanding of users, including information on their problems, objectives, and pain points. This helps us develop solutions that best fit their lifestyles. 

– Prototyping

Business designers create prototypes not only to prove their validity but also to learn. To come up with the best-case scenario, we don’t simply consult a spreadsheet. We launch products and services to test the business. We develop financial projections and business cases to prove the financial viability of a product. We outline product ideas that represent strategic trade-offs to inform our strategic decisions. We create extreme business model scenarios and use them as prototypes to learn from customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. We occasionally produce business pitches that help make new business ideas concrete so that organizations can support the development of spin-offs or fund a startup. 

In short, what is business design? 

Business design is….

  • A process whose key principle is to be user-centered. 
  • A mental model that combines different disciplines, generating quick insights.
  • A qualitative and quantitative data analysis work. 
  • A discipline that looks simultaneously at the three spheres of a business model: desirability, feasibility, and viability. 
  • A design lens that views business models as something to be designed 

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