CBA commits to women’s rights month.​

CBA commits to women’s rights month.

With the constant questioning of women’s rights around the world and still today, we are well aware that some of the rights are still sensitive and unstable. The group CBA means to fight against gender discrimination and sexism and do believe that design is an extraordinary tool to shape the world into a better place, both for women and men. 

Thus, CBA launched a campaign in March highlighting the women and men who fight gender inequality on a daily basis and the role of design in the inclusion of women. 

We have sought to analyse the theme of women’s rights from all angles, in order to enlighten and raise public awareness. 


CBA Paris launched an interview campaign highlighting employees and their experiences as women or men in the world of work and their perceptions of gender inequality. Here are a few questions they answered:

  • When did you feel held back by your status as a woman in your professional life? 
  • Do you see a difference between the working wold of yesterday and today? 
  • What is the most effective way to achieve equality? 
  • A cultural reference that marked you regarding women? 

Margaux Lhermitte, Head of Retail & Architecture

Anthony Charton, Art Director

Léa Richard, Project Manager Assistant

Laurence Bethines, Brand Strategist 

Nathalie Aupetit, Senior Artistic Director 


Wow! A woman part of the board!

Wow! A woman part of the board!

Wow! A woman part of the board!

Barbara Duavy, Managing Partners & Head of Culture CBA B+G, looks back on her experience as a woman in the professional world and especially as a board member. A touching, transparent and necessary testimony still today!

An interesting look at her childhood, her schooling and the objectives of CBA B+G in terms of people, culture, diversity and ESG, in the long run.  

Thank you Barbara for your testimony!


In this special month, we decided to focus on the theme of inclusive design. More and more brands adopt inclusive design to celebrate accessibility! In order to respond to issues that are still major today as fight against gender discrimination and sexism, celebrate a more intuitive and accessible design and adopt equity thanks to inclusives identities. 


In this special month, we decided to focus on the theme of inclusive design. More and more brands adopt inclusive design to celebrate accessibility! In order to respond to issues that are still major today as fight against gender discrimination and sexism, celebrate a more intuitive and accessible design and adopt equity thanks to inclusives identities. 


In this special month, we decided to focus on the theme of inclusive design. More and more brands adopt inclusive design to celebrate accessibility! In order to respond to issues that are still major today as fight against gender discrimination and sexism, celebrate a more intuitive and accessible design and adopt equity thanks to inclusives identities. 

Carmen Beer, content manager at CBA B+G,  highlights the ‘All Bodies are Normal’ trend from our recent Design Trends Report, which has everything to do with empowered women. 

Embracing and celebrating the natural shapes and cycles of all bodies is the core of many new brands, designing products & services that speak directly to a target group previously forgotten. 

Subjects as the well-being, mental health and acceptation are much more taking into account by brands. Authenticity and transparency is key! 


Sandra Garcia, our Managing Director at CBA Spain, took part at the BCREATIVE session of the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week with the key theme « Impact creativity led by women ».

A keynote about the power of design applied to business strategies to achieve responsible and sustainable growth. 

A scene shared with Sisón Pujol, founder and CEO at Nonon Design agency, Ana Fornt, CEO at Group Efebé and Arantxa Bernadí, CEO at Bernadí. 


Sandra Garcia, our Managing Director at CBA Spain, took part at the BCREATIVE session of the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week with the key theme « Impact creativity led by women ».

A keynote about the power of design applied to business strategies to achieve responsible and sustainable growth. 

A scene shared with Sisón Pujol, founder and CEO at Nonon Design agency, Ana Fornt, CEO at Group Efebé and Arantxa Bernadí, CEO at Bernadí. 


Sandra Garcia, our Managing Director at CBA Spain, took part at the BCREATIVE session of the Barcelona Woman Acceleration Week with the key theme « Impact creativity led by women ».

A keynote about the power of design applied to business strategies to achieve responsible and sustainable growth. 

A scene shared with Sisón Pujol, founder and CEO at Nonon Design agency, Ana Fornt, CEO at Group Efebé and Arantxa Bernadí, CEO at Bernadí. 

