20 shots and 200 unique prints, all inspired by the hand

2016 has been a year of big projects and vast commitment. It’s the season for well-wishing and, as every year, we want to make our wishes beautiful and heartfelt.

We followed our usual creative process for starting a new project: we took an idea and built around it with pictures, sketches, soundbites and flashes of inspiration, that we took and found. We selected 20 subjects and then we rolled our sleeves up and got our hands dirty, going into the darkroom to print them onto light-sensitive paper, using our expert hands to focus, crop, brush and stretch.

CBA MWH Intelligenza Mano Natale 2016

Each of these 20 subjects have been reproduced 10 times, on different backings, using different printing techniques. We breathed life into 200 unique creations, 200 Made with Heart greeting cards.

