A custom software that increases visibility and sales, saving time and money.
Elastic Rates is a unique tool that helps travel agencies and hoteliers to easily optimize and manage their products. The ultimate innovative and technological solution to regain control of travel inventories in an efficient and simple way.
An opportunity to accompany Elastic Rates in the process of renewing its image, building its strategic brand platform and designing a solid visual identity system in order to enhance its visibility and sales power.
The strategic process has been key to build the new brand identity. We defined fundamental aspects such as its values and personality, and established a distinctive positioning in a saturated competitive environment, focused on helping its clients, efficiency and personalization.

This new identity gives the brand its own expression and connects it in a meaningful way with its main target audience: travel agencies and hoteliers.
An image that builds on the rocket as a symbol of impulse, innovation and progress, becoming the icon of Elastic Rates.
Its angles give us a sense of take-off and launch, creating a spatial environment that enhances the technological aspect of the brand and propels us forward through collaboration. An innovative icon as a key element of the brand that reinforces its purpose and facilitates its recognition in any context.

The trails given off by this rocket become a prominent graphic element of the brand’s language. Formed with the corporate colors, they represent the flexibility, dynamism and impulse that define Elastic Rates. The iconography is built with digital resources and in accordance with the virtual context of the brand, inviting user interaction.

The visual ecosystem expands through different media and environments, beyond the tool itself. The website presents an intuitive, clean and clear image, with content that connects directly with the user from a close and human approach. On mobile devices, the graphics are created to communicate the benefits of the tool and the help it offers to its clients.
A recognizable and appropriable visual identity for Elastic Rates that effectively reflects its value proposition, highlighting its advanced technology to support its customers on a daily basis.