The French Institute of Design has rewarded CBA for its collaboration with the Pure Ocean Foundation for La Goutte Bleue. The committed and meaningful project was awarded the Janus du Design Civique label.

La Goutte Bleue is an initiative of the Pure Ocean Endowment Fund, committed to the protection of the ocean.
In order to support this movement, Pure Ocean, in collaboration with CBA Design, has imagined and developed La Goutte Bleue: a blue recyclable bag (a 100% bio-sourced bag that can contain up to 40L of waste found in nature), but above all a way to act, concretely for the preservation of the environment. How ? Thanks to a strong, simple and authentic visual identity on the packaging, in the image of the movement initiated by Pure Ocean.
A meaningful project in line with CBA’s convictions and its methodology, the Empreinte UtileⓇ, which reconciles sense and performance through design.
The Janus, an official design label issued from the ministerial order of November 13, 1953. Supported by the Ministers of Economy, Finance and Recovery and of Foreign Trade and Attractiveness, this label rewards the achievements of companies, communities, and design professionals, which are part of a sustainable approach to progress in the service of the person, the economy and the city.
The Janus of Civic Design goes beyond the “beautiful” and the “useful”, and draws the contours of a socially committed design.